Friday, July 23, 2010

Yoo Hoo! Over here!

Where have I been, right? Guess I'm going to be one of those bloggers without a lot to say. It's a shame really because IRL I have so much to say. Blah, blah, blah is me.

I've been doing really well with most of my four Baby Steps
1) Drink more water.
I don't think I could possibly do any better with this than I already am. I'm drinking at least 10-12 cups a day. I'm floating, I tell ya'. I haven't given up diet soda altogether though. I pour myself a glass every morning and sip on it for the rest of the day. I might not ever be able to give it up totally, so this is working for now.

2) Cardio five days a week.
Not happening. I can't even blackmail myself to do this. My energy level is zero. Definitely HAVE to do something about this. Just do it! Right?

3) 1800 calories a day.
Done, done, done, etc. In fact, I've already reduced my daily caloric intake to 1700. My first week trying to eat 1800, I noticed I never ate that much and decided to go ahead and cut 1000 calories since they weren't getting eaten anyway. I'm still coming in well under 1700 a day, but that cushion is nice just in case.

4) Take a daily multi vitamin.
I actually thought this would be the toughest out of the four. Nyet. Super easy. Some how I'm remembering to take it. Who woulda thunk it?!

So, three out of four isn't too bad, but it's bugging me. Ah well. I'll just keep working on it. Maybe when I lose a bit of weight my energy will come back. *crossing fingers*

Tuesday is weigh in day! I can already tell a difference in how my clothes are fitting. I'm feeling less like a stuffed sausage today. That's always a good sign.


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