Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Baby(Diva) Steps

What am I going to do to turn things around? That has been foremost in my thoughts for days now. So much so that it all started to overwhelm me. Okay, maybe 'overwhelm' is a bit dramatic, but there are so many things I need to start or stop doing that it does make my head spin to think of what to do first. Or second. Or third.

I decided that I'd select four things to begin with. That way my head's not spinning and I'm not mixing too much up right off the bat that's going to make me want to give up. I'll give these changes two weeks. Two weeks to see if I'm on the right track. After two weeks, I'll determine what needs tweaking. I might add something to the list. Or take away.

My four things to work on:
1) Drink more water. 
Or rather, replace almost all other liquid intake with water. Water is usually something I hate to drink. It makes my mouth dry. Yeah, I know that sounds crazy, but it does. And even though it's tasteless, I don't like the taste. Makes me gag actually. So I'm going to be using flavored mixes in my water. I know some people say 'absolutely not', but I don't give a crap. If I'm going to drink more water, it's going to be flavored.

2) Thirty minutes of cardio exercise a day five days a week.
I know thirty minutes a day isn't much, but it's more than I've been doing. As far as what kind of cardio I'm going to do, walking and biking will be it for the first two weeks. 

3) 1800 calories a day.
I settled on 1800 because 1200 sounded too restrictive to start off with and anything over 2000 sounded like too much. Pretty sure 1800 is doable without feeling like I'm starving.

4) Take a daily multi vitamin.
Should be easy, right? For me, remembering to take this every day will probably be the hardest. Seriously.

Lastly, while I'll be reassessing these things every two weeks, I'm going to weigh myself then too. Although I'm not comfortable typing out my weight right now, I will keep up with it on paper of course. Some day I will divulge my weight and where I started. I'm not there as of today. However, I will report whether I've had a loss or gain and how much.


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