Thursday, August 12, 2010

It was all downhill from there.

A few days after my first weigh in - which was pretty freaking good(12 lb loss) - I started my period. I'm ravenous during my period. I had chocolate. I had cookies. I had nachos - extra queso please. I had double portions. Get the picture?

The food party didn't end when my period did though. Nope, I've been eating and eating and eating like there is no tomorrow. I'm damn well pissed off with myself! Even before starting this post, I had 2 chocolate chip cookies. Grrrrrrrrr!!

Why do I do this? I had a great 2 weeks and then I implode. Spidey was even noticing my ass getting smaller. I have no answers. I know I have a big problem with food. I just need to regroup and figure out what to do. I really thought baby steps were working. Work on a few things at a time, get used to those, and add more when ready.

I do know that this binge has lasted way too long - 2+ weeks. It's over. I've got some thinking to do.